How evaluating and reviewing performance is an easier task with Jisr?

Employees’ performance evaluation and review features from Jisr enable you to raise the level of competition amongst your employees. The evaluation process has become easier and more accurate with advanced availed features to build competencies and objectives and select specific evaluation review intervals that are aligned with your work nature and needs 

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A professional work environment is based on a professional performance evaluation

Regular, effective and impactful evaluation sessions!You can customize each evaluation process with different requirements in terms of periods, evaluation method, authorization of approvers, and criteria. You can also compare the results of all periods and keep track of performance continuously.

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Take your employees productivity to a higher level!

Through performance management, you can set annual, semi-annual or monthly goals for your company and by distributing employee’s tasks and goals on which the evaluation is based.


Notifications on time, to ensure evaluations are always done on time!

Rely on Jisr and let employees be notified on their performance evaluation according to the period you set and based on the standards you set as well. Remind the line manager of the required evaluation of his employees and notify the employees of their evaluations’ results.

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Employees’ evaluation criteria

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Evaluation of goals (create the role of goals according to the duration of the goal that an employee is required to achieve).

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Evaluation of competencies and skills (set the skills you want to grade your employees on such as job level, job description, etc.)

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JISR made the performance evaluation an easy journey for you;


Set goals based on specific objective cycles


Determine the frequency of evaluation cycles


Determine the criteria for performance evaluation


Start a Complete Journey towards Performance Appraisals